
Moneyline Favorite


Moneyline Underdog


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Point Spread Calculator

This sports betting calculator helps bettors compare moneyline odds and point spread odds. To use the OddsJam point spread calculator, simply enter the point spread for an NFL, NBA or NCAA Football game. The point spread calculator will determine the implied moneyline odds for the game using historical data.

Beginner and advanced sports bettors should make use of a point spread calculator as they search for the best bets. Let’s say, as an example, you want to wager on the Green Bay Packers in an NFL game. Pin, the sharpest sportsbook in the world, has the Packers as -5 point spread favorites. The point spread calculator will show you that the implied moneyline odds for the Packers are -235. Thus, if you can find the Packers at -200 moneyline odds, then this would be the optimal bet (compared to the -5 point spread at -110 odds).

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